Northern Monmouth County Branch NJ AAUW Program

For more information on Northern Monmouth County Branch supported programs and initiatives, please contact the public policy director.  

Educational Foundation

Annually the Northern Monmouth County Branch contributes money to the AAUW Educational Foundation for Fellows and/or Research Projects. The booksale, run by the Northern Monmouth County Branch, is a major source of funding for the Educational Foundation. The Fellowship Program is the investment in advanced study and research by women scholars.  The Research and Projects program supports study and action.  This includes Career Development Grants, which enable AAUW members to obtain an additional undergraduate degree or a Master's degree. To find out more about AAUW Educational Foundation, or to apply for a fellowship or grant visit the AAUW Educational Foundation national web site.

Legal Advocacy Fund

The AAUW  Legal Advocacy Fund (LAF) supports women in higher education who are seeking judicial redress for sexual discrimination. This includes female students, faculty and administrators in areas of sexual harassment, denial of tenure or promotion, pay inequity, and inequality in women's athletic programs.

The Northern Monmouth County Branch supports the National LAF efforts by raising money through donations made at the monthly branch meetings. Donations made by check to "AAUW Legal Advocacy Fund" are tax deductible for the donor.

Branch Members may also make contributions directly to the National organization
Please mention the Northern Monmouth County Branch when contributing directly.
    AAUW Legal Advocacy Fund
   1310 L St. NW, Suite 1000
Washington, DC 20005

Public Policy 

The Public Policy Program underscores AAUW's mission of promoting education and equity for all women and girls.

The work of AAUW builds upon a century of responsible public participation at the local, state, national, and international levels.

AAUW is committed to working in partnership with diverse allies. Basic to all AAUW's public policy efforts is the understanding that true equity requires a balance between the rights of the individual and the needs of the community.

AAUW believes in the separation of church and state. AAUW supports constitutional protection for the civil rights of all individuals, including the right to privacy. We oppose all forms of discrimination. We support affirmative action as a remedy for past discrimination. We affirm our commitment to passage and ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment.

AAUW believes that public education is the foundation of a democratic society. We advocate equity, academic freedom, protection from censorship, bias-free education, and responsible funding for all levels of education.

AAUW promotes the social, economic, and physical well-being of all persons. Essential to that well-being are a clean and healthful environment, a healthy economy that provides adequate employment opportunities, quality dependent care, decent housing, affordable health care, and freedom from violence.

We support public budgets that balance the rights of the individual and community needs. AAUW is committed to the arts and humanities, which develop and preserve the human, aesthetic, and cultural values that perpetuate civilization and enhance our pluralistic cultural heritage. We support a strengthened United Nations and its affiliated agencies. We advocate implementation of the Platform for action from the Fourth World Conference on Women.

Running and Winning Workshop

An exciting opportunity for 60 girls who are juniors at area high schools to intereact with and be mentored by local women politicians and public office holders and to conduct a "campaign" for public office.

The goal is to encourage high school girls to assume leadership roles in schools, communities, and political areas, and ultimately to increase the number and percentage of women involved in politics and in running for public office.

Our branch co-sponsors this event with the local chapters of the League of Women Voters, Junior League, and Red Bank Hadassah.  

Running and Winning Workshops are held in the Spring.

Marian Wattenbarger, Chair

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An interactive workshop designed to give college women the confidence and skills they need to earn fair compensation .
Workshops teach participants how to determine salary needs and offer salary negotiation skill-building exercises.  Joint project of AAUW and the WAGE project. The WAGE project offers facilitator trainings to college and university personnel and to AAUW and community members.

Tech Trek

Tech Trek by AAUW at Stockton College is a STEM camp for girls where campers can meet and learn from women role models in science, engineering, and math.
For more information, view the Tech Trek Video or visit the AAUW National Tech Trek page: .
See a video about the  2015 Tech Trek:  Tech Trek 2015 .

For more information please call ~ 732-275-2237

Copyright 2007-2022 Northern Monmouth County Branch AAUW